About Us

Patiana having coffee

With twists of fate and the luck of the stars, in 1992 two lives collided - one, Patty and the other, Chris.


Blessed with loved ones, gobs of happiness and an instant friendship, Chris and Patty decided it was time to create something that would bring more joy to the lives of others as well as their own. Ten years later, through a collaboration of talent, shopping experience, not to mention their names (Patricia and Christiana), MyCharmedLife and Patiana (MCL's charming hostess) were born!

Now, after many years of making the world a more charming place, one gorgeous wrist at a time, the girls couldn't be happier with how MyCharmedLife has further blessed them. Being a part of so many lives and helping to celebrate others many blessings - weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, friendships, milestones, and more - has been more rewarding than one could ever have imagined.

Part of Chris and Patty's mission is to share those blessings, MyCharmedLife is proud to participate in events sponsored by philanthropic organizations, where a portion of your purchase price is donated to further goals such as literacy, women's education, pediatric hospitals and breast cancer foundations. Drop an email to MyCharmedLife if you would like them to participate in your philanthropic event.

You may not realize it, but you're living a charmed life too! Now, let the world know it...

Jewelry for a Charmed Life®!